Your Harmony Blog
Find out all the latest news from your clubs as well as tips and events related to fitness, sport and well-being!
Actualités janvier
Bonne année 2025 ! Nous vous souhaitons santé, réussite et de nombreux moments partagés avec la grande famille HARMONY. Démarrez cette année avec force et énergie grâce à nos événements exclusifs à découvrir dès maintenant !
December news
Vive le vent, vive le vent, vive le vent d'hiver, qui souffle dans les grands sapins verts! At Harmony, Christmas is our favorite time of year: a chance to treat yourself and celebrate together.
Special Christmas and New Year timetables
We are open during the holidays with special opening hours, so come and visit us in our Harmony clubs.
November news
The festive season is fast approaching! It's the perfect time to take stock and reach the personal and sporting goals you set last New Year's Eve. Don't panic: at Harmony, we've prepared a November program specially designed to help you do just that.
October news
Autumn is slowly settling in. Take advantage of this beautiful season to work out, celebrate festive moments and savour delicious recipes...
Young Genevan and Federal Special Timetable
We're open all summer long, so join us in our harmony clubs.
Back-to-school news
Summer's here, and the weather's (finally) warm and sunny: new opening hours, children's courses, etc. We'll tell you all about it right now!
Summer news
Summer's here, and the weather's (finally) warm and sunny: new opening hours, children's courses, etc. We'll tell you all about it right now!